Jeri Ryan -- the woman behind the doll

The actress Jeri Ryan plays the role of Seven of Nine on the TV series "Star Trek Voyager."  When she first appeared on the show, as a Borg, the heavy makeup and costume made her quite ugly.  She was soon cleaned up and advertised in skin tight costumes to provide more "sex appeal" for the show.  Despite the silly high-heeled boots she wears, she's quite a warrior!  In a recent episode featuring WWF star "The Rock," she participated in a hand-to-hand fight to the death against a larger male opponent, and she won!



Click here to visit a web site with basic info on Seven of Nine.

Jeri Ryan has also appeared as a guest on many other TV shows.
Click here to visit a web site with basic info on Jeri Ryan and her TV roles.


Left to right:  Roxanne Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Jeri Ryan.
They play the roles of B'Elanna Torres, Katherine Janeway, and Seven of Nine.